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Anonymous6/8/2024, 1:50:20 PM#f1815aed

OIP (2).jpeg, 24.68 kB

OIP (2).jpeg

hello peerwires what are you doing in this fine evening?

Anonymous6/8/2024, 9:28:32 PM#40932bab

OIP (69).jpg, 510.98 kB

OIP (69).jpg

meow meowwwwwwwwwww

Anonymous6/8/2024, 9:47:46 PM#a1eca259

>>40932bab bruh the cunny broke

Anonymous6/8/2024, 10:02:52 PM#c4e73b82

>>f1815aed typical admin samefag thread >>40932bab this is proof that children can consent because if she didn't like it she would just use her wings to fly away

Anonymous6/9/2024, 12:34:33 AM#a9798d8c

>>c4e73b82 bruh those are levitation ornaments she broke from the correction anyway again dumb imouto cant run a webshit livechan my gott gutenfuckstein patch where is your new chan

Anonymous6/9/2024, 1:41:25 AM#6d8f7673

>>a9798d8c patch stop samefagging to pretend like people are actually inquiring about the status of your new chan your career is over buddy

Anonymous6/9/2024, 2:16:41 AM#ebe9d940

3100.jpg, 16.03 kB


>>6d8f7673 my career shall never over because i am handsome..

Anonymous6/9/2024, 2:29:22 AM#74bd3598

>>6d8f7673 i cant i lost

Anonymous6/9/2024, 2:39:22 AM#14e64a05

2504.jpg, 71.32 kB


#74bd3598 yes, my dearest orb

Anonymous6/9/2024, 2:39:52 AM#af3ea52e

2504.jpg, 71.32 kB



>can I lose

yes, my dearest orb

Anonymous6/9/2024, 2:40:21 AM#c15863e3

2630.jpg, 43.51 kB



>i cant i lost

misread sorry

Anonymous6/9/2024, 2:52:07 AM#0a587fcb

>>74bd3598 patch stop samefagging in an sad attempt to feign self awareness and salvage your ignoble repute

Anonymous6/9/2024, 4:49:32 AM#9c2101c2

>>0a587fcb i dont have self awareness and thats 90% of why i lost truth nvke all posts on this site including this reply are my why do you think gladden is written in typescript herdnigger

Anonymous6/9/2024, 6:28:47 PM#09834da5

>>9c2101c2 it's ok patch even though you've been pushed well past the brink of insanity we still have hope for your redemption arc you just have to shake things up a little man the formula doesn't work anymore, times have changed

Anonymous6/10/2024, 12:08:46 AM#51a741dd

i lke peerchan :D

Anonymous6/10/2024, 12:29:56 AM#82a4df35

>>51a741dd patch bro please stop we're worried about you

Anonymous6/11/2024, 8:54:32 PM#5f17cee7

OIP (3).jpeg, 24.12 kB

OIP (3).jpeg

>>c4e73b82 please stop embarrassing me, we need a lively atmosphere on peerwires and I'm doing what I can towards that goal

Anonymous6/11/2024, 11:30:22 PM#d87986eb

>>5f17cee7 o7 keep fighting the good fight soldier
