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Anonymous3/15/2024, 2:22:27 PM#af384d66[Reply]

no fucking catalog view??reallY??

Anonymous3/15/2024, 3:27:51 PM#28fcce37

Good point lol. One issue is thumbnails. I have an idea just to put a filesize limit on the auto-load of images in the catalog view.

Anonymous3/6/2024, 7:14:22 AM#87f7902a[Reply]

home.png, 1.16 MB


can we get a better theme this is not nice to look at.

2 replies omitted, click Reply to view.
Anonymous3/6/2024, 4:33:41 PM#7aa97e74

darkertheme.png, 183.31 kB



Anonymous3/6/2024, 4:53:16 PM#3de97630

better ver

Anonymous3/7/2024, 7:59:10 AM#7068114b

holy shit thatthat was quick thank you very much sir

Anonymous3/2/2024, 5:46:21 AM#00b1e4cb[Reply]


Anonymous3/2/2024, 4:51:11 AM#be3a3e5a[Reply]

not bad
