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Anonymous6/1/2024, 9:37:38 PM#e4ceddc7[Reply]

2351.jpg, 76.65 kB


im gonna dress in casserole with a SAUCEPAN on me head

Anonymous6/1/2024, 7:54:54 PM#829efe4f[Reply]

2305.jpg, 48.40 kB


saucepan, yeah, yeah saucepan, yeah, yeah

Anonymous6/1/2024, 1:42:36 AM#cd09a693[Reply]

2611.jpg, 58.43 kB


>Error: Not permitted to browse /test/.

#stop telling me to do this and that, please? I am handsome therefore I can do anything...

Anonymous6/1/2024, 2:31:50 AM#c4873d15

>>cd09a693 orbies telling u 2 install gladden so you can do more of everything isnt it wonderful

Anonymous6/1/2024, 11:46:59 AM#925fc0d1

self host your own, handsome

Anonymous6/1/2024, 1:07:33 AM#b0734d53[Reply]

losesaucepan.png, 183.52 kB


P95704 is still up, winning again. I thought mods were so great at discriminating stuff... I mean yanks and non-yanks

Anonymous5/31/2024, 2:25:24 PM#397f9159[Reply]

2611.jpg, 58.43 kB


oh dear the man in the mirror is so handsome. I have a strong desire to commit onanism again. NO! GEORGE IT IS SINFUL!!!! talking to pebbles in a saucepan always help coping with this. Wait, I should schedule my lantern slides! That also kill the urge to wank...

6 replies omitted, click Reply to view.
Anonymous6/1/2024, 12:15:08 AM#b6c64416

2415-1.jpg, 16.78 kB


>>8a595c61 niggered really is niggered

Anonymous6/1/2024, 1:01:40 AM#bd9c1e46

>>8a595c61 onions have layers so do a handsome man like me. I always layered up. I now weighs _+ 3kg

Anonymous6/1/2024, 1:04:14 AM#e38f7320

>>8a595c61 onions have layers so do a handsome man like me. I always layered up. I now weighs _+ 3kg

Anonymous5/31/2024, 11:03:09 PM#e3724286[Reply]

2535-1.jpg, 22.78 kB


saucepan's landing..

Anonymous5/31/2024, 8:05:26 PM#23f6edb1[Reply]

2409.jpg, 31.24 kB


Oh dear, my saucepan refuses to fllyyy!

the last handsome dandy alive5/31/2024, 2:19:37 PM#b8e55b22[Reply]

3167.jpg, 60.91 kB


oh dear now I am 100x more handsome than Prince Albert. GET THE SASH! GET THE SASH!

experimenting experimenting experimenting ..the last handsome man alive5/31/2024, 2:15:20 PM#b69b55c7[Reply]

2630.jpg, 43.51 kB


i couldnt believe you can make the crease of frockcoat somewhat more curvy (improve the drapery?) by sewing the lining, at the skirt section together. Need someone to take a pic of me wearing that coat. It looks more 19th century now, almost like a woman wearing a cr*noline beneath her skirt. Tailoring is fun sometimes... it the skirt section looks even better (yes better than BBC's costumes), alteration won!

the last handsome man alive5/31/2024, 2:17:26 PM#9a20b9d0

3170.jpg, 73.35 kB


i think its gonna make it harder to iron but.... Victorian costumes (reproduced or not) arent very easy to take care of...

Anonymous5/31/2024, 8:16:29 AM#86b99c2f[Reply]

3001.jpg, 39.63 kB


