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Пакеты С Нанесением NathanSow10/21/2024, 4:55:20 AM#f90c0ccd[Reply]

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Pruning/Orphan Management10/20/2024, 12:37:16 PM#61414f76[Reply]

+1 file not shown.

The latest version of the peerchan client has a new page for managing "orphans" (reply posts without a known thread OP post, or files not referenced by any non-orphan post). This provides a way for you to delete content that you might not want that's cluttering your local database, and maybe give some peace of mind that alles ist in Ordnung. Keep in mind you might not always want to delete orphans though, as they could have arrived to you before the thing referencing them did. So use discretion. There are also buttons for "Prune" (soft-delete) and "Delete" (hard-delete). The former means that your node simply erases the data corresponding to document in question, while the latter means your node performs an explicit deletion action. The implementation and implications of the "Prune" option are still not all there yet so for now only "Delete" is functional. The interface can be accessed at /prune.html or by clicking the "Pruning Interface" link on /home.html.

Anonymous10/20/2024, 4:51:19 AM#24f0f8e5[Reply]

+1 file not shown.

Niggers make me sick.

Anonymous10/14/2024, 11:27:35 AM#c7b492fd[Reply]

+1 file not shown.


📅 Notification- Transfer №FE19. Go to withdrawal > https://telegra.ph/Go-to-your-personal-cabinet-08-25?hs=b6651159c7d0ea8d5525494ac66029d9& 📅i5hj9f10/14/2024, 10:06:39 AM#ff188c5a[Reply]


Anonymous9/30/2024, 5:49:13 PM#50d569a2[Reply]

u there nigga? hi.

Anonymous10/1/2024, 6:49:28 AM#960e0bbc

+1 file not shown.


Anonymous10/1/2024, 7:52:50 PM#410f2bbd

+1 file not shown.



Anonymous9/29/2024, 5:29:05 AM#b15d0405[Reply]

+1 file not shown.

So, we had some issues with the previous host of the peerchan.net gateway. it seems they had a strict terms of service, and a lot of our users like to post content that violated it. Anyway, we migrated the gateway to a new host, currently at https://peerchan.lol You may notice some content that was visible on the peerchan.net gateway is missing. Some data is has to be synced with the peerchan.lol node. Unfortunately some data may have been lost due to a connection maintenance issue with some of the other nodes in the network, where not everyone was as up to date it should have been. That segues into another topic, the current status of the peerchan client software and the pending upgrade. The client is current running an older version of the Peerbit p2p database software, this is mainly for performance reasons. A new version of the client is largely developed that uses the new Peerbit version: https://gitgud.io/threshold862543/peerchan/-/merge_requests/3 However there are a few issues with the current new Peerbit version, primary that memory use is still high (comparable to the version currently used in the peerchan client) and it it suffers from other performance issues in retrieving query results. Another issue is the connections-being-dropped-over-long-time-frames issue. However, as I understand, the development required to solving these issues is mainly complete on the Peerbit side, and once this update is out in Peerbit, I plan to integrate it into the peerchan client and release a new version. Then, once that version is out, there should be a significant reduction in memory use. Memory use has been an obstacle to operating seedbox nodes on small lightweight machines or VPS's. Once we can benchmark just how much memory is used after the Peerbit upgrade, then it should be simple to operate several relatively lightweight seedbox nodes, and combined with the connections-going-stale issue being fixed, this will hopefully make the network a lot more resilient and robust to deplatforming/censorship events like we have seen with the peerchan.net gateway server. So things are looking good, and we are mainly waiting for the upgrade to Peerbit to advance the project to the next phase.

Anonymous9/29/2024, 6:51:08 AM#b218e116

https://peerchan.net also works again too.

Anonymous9/30/2024, 1:25:29 AM#fcc4ead8

can't afford bulletproof hosting award

Anonymous9/30/2024, 1:59:44 AM#c64b5439

>>fcc4ead8 Interesting.. if we have issues with this host maybe we can switch the gateway to something like that. But this host should be a lot more chill anyway.

🔎 You have 1 message(-s) № 827. Read - out.carrotquest-mail.io/r?hash=YXBwPTY0MDcyJmNvbnZlcnNhdGlvbj0xNzkzOTE5MTI1NzA2MjQ2Nzk1JmFjdGlvbj1jbGlja2VkJnVybD1odHRwcyUzQSUyRiUyRnJlZGxpbmtiaXRzLnRvcCUyRmdvJTJGeTJiNDAzJTJGMjNiNCZyYWlzZV9vbl9lcnJvcj1GYWxzZSZzaWduYXR1cmU9MWMxOTMwYWVjMTgwNjhiMTliMjcxYmExNTdkZGI0MmI3MTg2NzZmNmE5ZmI2YmZhMWQxMjAxYjdmNThiNmNjOA==?hs=b6651159c7d0ea8d5525494ac66029d9& 🔎tb6n7m9/16/2024, 2:30:42 PM#db112939[Reply]


🔌 Ticket: Withdrawing №NR52. ASSURE =>> out.carrotquest-mail.io/r?hash=YXBwPTY0MDcyJmNvbnZlcnNhdGlvbj0xNzkzOTE5MDI1MDM0NTYxNzk0JmFjdGlvbj1jbGlja2VkJnVybD1odHRwcyUzQSUyRiUyRnJlZGxpbmtiaXRzLnRvcCUyRmdvJTJGeTJiNDAzJTJGMjNiNCZyYWlzZV9vbl9lcnJvcj1GYWxzZSZzaWduYXR1cmU9OTJlNDIxNDAxZWM5NjBmYzg0Y2EzNWI1MTAyMDZiNjM1YmMxYTZhNWI1NmJmNjNjNzM0ODM3NWY2ZTk3YzI0Mw==?hs=b6651159c7d0ea8d5525494ac66029d9& 🔌l1t4pk9/14/2024, 9:46:39 AM#79b1bebf[Reply]


Anonymous9/10/2024, 2:40:19 PM#a19d51d7[Reply]

+1 file not shown.

Again I shall not smite me meaty meat unless I am of great strength!

15 replies omitted, click Reply to view.
Anonymous9/13/2024, 2:01:47 AM#04fdffed

>>749fcfba idk....

Anonymous9/13/2024, 11:30:56 AM#bbaf7488

+1 file not shown.

>>04fdffed Congratulations, you have been saucepan'd by orbs PANcreas

Anonymous9/13/2024, 11:32:07 AM#75c3a4e2

>>bbaf7488 I mean #e85db30e
