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Anonymous6/21/2024, 2:55:05 PM#0a1df89f[Reply]

feed me olives 🫒

Anonymous6/21/2024, 9:00:45 AM#ca9ec994[Reply]

+1 file not shown.

children pranks [halfdressed]George_lambda6/20/2024, 9:59:42 PM#d642a4e2[Reply]

+1 file not shown.

best cp deleted video on lambda, must watch...

Anonymous6/21/2024, 12:22:32 AM#e182cc40

>>d642a4e2 my nigga post mp4s

Anonymous6/21/2024, 8:54:19 AM#5d289e54

+1 file not shown.

>>e182cc40 can mp4 do h265? with mkv, i can stealth post on lambda

been using terminal for like 1.5 yearsGeorge_lambda6/21/2024, 8:51:56 AM#03832e58[Reply]

+1 file not shown.

i feel like im getting some proficiency, thanks to orbs here for teaching me basic computing P.S. reposting deleted files

children trumping without revealingAnonymous6/20/2024, 9:52:15 PM#214f09f3[Reply]

+1 file not shown.

censored video on lambda, must watch...

Anonymous6/20/2024, 9:21:44 PM#d107ef0c[Reply]

+1 file not shown.

Oh my!Anonymous6/20/2024, 4:21:14 PM#d53007e0[Reply]

+3 files not shown.

so handsome, I wish we were the same age..

george_lambda6/20/2024, 4:22:38 PM#6dcb73b5

+1 file not shown.

yes, cute and handsome indeed...

Anonymous6/20/2024, 4:24:05 PM#f4e1f0e8

+2 files not shown.

that's me gtandpa

Anonymous6/20/2024, 4:24:18 PM#eb204859


Hope ye like me peruke!George_lambda6/20/2024, 4:12:59 PM#a3f37edb[Reply]

+1 file not shown.

I am handsomeGeorge_lambda6/20/2024, 4:12:17 PM#7e339ed7[Reply]

+1 file not shown.

I never died of saucepans...

SAUCEPAN Nvke!Anonymous6/20/2024, 4:10:49 PM#b893756b[Reply]

+1 file not shown.
