This was suggested a while back. Currently you can specify particular boards visible on the overboard like this:
now you can also specify the number of threads you want to see like this
There is also a config setting in gatewayConfig.html to set a max on this in gateway mode, by default 10 threads.
Also added a config form allowing the changing of various config settings without restarting the node. Still want to add similar for the gateway config settings, and also the ability to restart the peerbit client without restarting the whole frontend client as well, so you can change the ports and replication settings more conveniently.
like this
i also want to differentiate between setting the default theme and the theme for the given user, so a user can select a theme freely without affecting other users or the default theme, in gateway mode
added a gateway configuration page too, to allow you to change various gateway settings without restarting
(still requires you to manually edit the admin and user password in the json file however)
do you guys read? what do you read?
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being this much of an intellectual is unfathomably based, sounds super interesting, I must read it one day and perhaps we can have a discussion.
no homo
Added the event listener thing discussed on /tech/.
Whenever your local database receives an update to either posts, file refs, or file chunks, that passed validation and was written to your db, it will by default log it in the console. You can modify this behavior by modifying the config/events.js onChange() function, say if you want to connect it to a spam checking robot that would auto-delete certain types of posts or files.
Maybe we can add logfiles and stuff later by (configurable) default if that would be desired. Might not be the simplest thing to use but it's a nice starting point for this type of thing.
can I implement r9k with this?
Yeah except for the temporary banning part lol.
You just have to query an exact match for the text and then delete the posts if a match is found.
The latest version has a query interface at /query.html
Or there is a link at the bottom of the homepage. You can do different queries on a selection of boards or all watched boards by leaving the boards blank.
Number queries are currently somewhat bugged and it doesn't support everything (like case sensitivity settings or other things) for now.
Future steps would be:
>connect query results to a mass delete and/or mass prune button
>http API that returns the hashes of the applicable posts
>allow querying file refs and file chunks
>allow finding and selecting orphaned posts, file refs, and file chunks for deletion/pruning
>more syntax support
fixed the number querying bug
Changed a few things to hopefully fix the issues with databases not opening properly on boot and not being able to be reloaded. If you try it out, let me know if it fixed the issues for you.
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Anyway, some progress was made and various issues that were being made apparent and masking the underlying issue have been fixed in the latest version.
The root of the issue seems to be timing out when contacting peers during the board database opening process.
The reload button seems to work now, this seems to be a libp2p issue.
Now that that's working, one thing we can do in the interim is set up a little subroutine/bot thing that checks for timed-out boards and reloads them.
I want to remove the soylita content on /soy/ from my view but i don't see a button for it.
also how can other people follow my hides so they don't have to see it if they don't want to as well.
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you see a cute girl and you feel depressed and sad.. why?
how much bandwidth can a neet on welfare afford?
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I'd recommend getting a VPS, they're a lot cheaper than dedicated machines.
post torrents