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Anonymous7/2/2024, 6:57:45 PM#4c49070e[Reply]

25.jpg, 25.57 kB


>how are you gonna sell a car without an engine?

by giving the customer a free saucepan.

Anonymous7/2/2024, 6:06:37 PM#b98709f9[Reply]

999886.jpg, 16.71 kB


they have ___ stamped on them a saucepan!

Anonymous7/2/2024, 11:16:55 AM#4f1274eb[Reply]

images(15).jpg, 39.17 kB



Anonymous7/2/2024, 4:57:19 PM#87c815ff

2591.jpg, 84.29 kB


no sausages DOWNVOTEDD!

Anonymous7/2/2024, 11:15:53 AM#836a680b[Reply]

images(14).jpg, 55.41 kB



Anonymous7/2/2024, 11:13:39 AM#7774aabb[Reply]

images(13).jpg, 35.04 kB



Anonymous7/1/2024, 8:47:50 PM#7f695303[Reply]

wheres the peerjannies?

Anonymous7/1/2024, 9:48:23 PM#39184894

here how can I help you?

Title: I am a handsome and refined man7/1/2024, 10:51:59 PM#813cae62

3111.jpg, 93.70 kB


>>39184894 "SAUCEPAN!" me..

Anonymous7/2/2024, 5:15:00 AM#68bcdb46

>>813cae62 don't mind if i do

i niggeredi niggered7/2/2024, 2:09:30 AM#1b7b7783[Reply]

i niggered.png, 99.67 kB

i niggered.png

i niggered

george_lambda7/2/2024, 12:43:29 AM#47c66ee5[Reply]

creativity.png, 106.21 kB


i guess lambda faggots didn't realised until they see this.. lambda "panorama" the last time I used this trick was like two years ago. I had even done with three pics

Anonymous7/2/2024, 12:46:28 AM#8cebfd59

2705.jpg, 71.22 kB


the first set of posts was better because it was before the watermark was introduced.

Anonymous7/2/2024, 12:57:11 AM#3cae6d42

whats the lambdachan link?

love this postAnonymous7/2/2024, 12:35:38 AM#0b11f357[Reply]


hole in head best cure for headachelambda_VHS7/1/2024, 5:22:38 PM#00c0527e[Reply]


this und that

>413 Request Entity Too Large >nginx/1.18.0 (Jewbuntu)

Anonymous7/1/2024, 7:15:41 PM#020145a9

>>00c0527e lol i wonder when will firefox supports x265 playback without videojs. I cant even get picture even on mobile i dont think onion fags can stream h264 over tor a 720p h265 video can be compressed to 160mb without quality loss

Anonymous7/1/2024, 7:16:37 PM#658c32d7


>a 720p h265 video can be compressed to 160mb without quality loss

im talking about a 27 min video
