oh please do not chop me head off again....
saucepan ooohh saucepan!
you chopped my pebble in half
im gona get a revenge oohh!
her name was lola
she was a coffee
she spunk likee fountain of my SAAAUUUCCEESAGGGEEE!!!!!!
Now the saucepan is set to rise
coffee drippin...
ohcurse ya! curse ya!
its the coffee in persiaaa!!!
what I want is a proper cup of coffee
made in a proper cup of coffe pot
jim's coffeepot
is a saucepanpot
saaucepan pot really is a saucepan pot!!!!
this is rather catchanner and pedophilic
yes, i am handsome and always am, whispy. Now shush!
now explain why i am so handsome is it because I grow orbs in my agar plates or I have pasta with a fork?
No! its a saucepan flat!
the night they invented saucepan!
as plain as they could be
the night they invented saucepan!
we absolutely gay
we have got the bay
for peebbbblleesss!!!!
okay since I'm bored I have questions,.
is there a bump limit?
what's the maximum number of pages a board can have?
how do you block a client ID?
is there a way to save client and reuse it, aka static client ID?
what do you think of having stickies/locked threads? Basically client side locking sticking.
will you ever implement a captcha?
I will ask more when I get bored again.
8 replies omitted, click Reply to view.
did you stop seeding? I added it and it's empty
nvm that was my internet being slow, I must stop being impatient.
for I, erm-me curious mind, would like to know if there is a saucepan limit...
we'll drink
we'll drink
for my saauucceeppaann!
now me fizz has got a compound
blind tony meet bonnie CHAARRLLEE!!!
oh! julius caesar, we put him in the hole
the hole really is the hole
oh we'll drink e''l drink
from a mighty saucepan saucepan
a saucepan has his hat on
hip hip hoo-ray!
my saucepan has got his hat on and I've got me stovepipe hat on!
I'm 9feet tall now hip hip hooray!
cause' im wearing me finest stovepipe hat!
drink up thine cider!
drink up thine cider!
cause' saucepan is under cover!!!!
don't dilly dally on the way!!!!
champagne charlie is me name
champagne saucepan is me gaaammmee!
there's no drink a good as orbs orbs orbs!
beer, beer, glorious beer
coming out of me saucepan!
Drink a good dear of it
my breadbin goes "jolly merry"