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Anonymous6/28/2024, 4:00:46 AM#c8926642

my saucepan is on the latest commit

Anonymous6/28/2024, 4:11:06 AM#901092b2

being on the latest commit is nice

Anonymous6/28/2024, 4:37:45 AM#088d6979

cute.jpeg, 30.83 kB


>>901092b2 oh dear, nice really is nice

Anonymous6/28/2024, 6:02:42 AM#4462eb9c

>>088d6979 I was listening to The Picture of Dorian Gray a while ago on audiobook, that reminds me to finish it..

Anonymous6/28/2024, 2:01:55 PM#645bbe38

1358.jpg, 52.26 kB


>>4462eb9c i couldnt believe that my handsome posts would give literature students motivations. This is why the handsome poster of lambda is the most superior!
