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Anonymous9/6/2024, 3:03:37 AM#bc89638b

we should bring bak brandonn core.

Anonymous9/6/2024, 9:45:46 PM#b5e00b96

Explain Brandon core.

Anonymous9/7/2024, 4:10:10 AM#c50b1db1

>>b5e00b96 to me Brandoncore is being the best you and not giving a fuck about what people think, and going out and taking life by the neck like a little negro child, and winning. tbh in many ways Brandon has helped me becomea better person, his additude and way of living, dispiste incredible challenges, is inspiring tosay the least. The way he is an effortless champion for exploited children online, and put his own welbeling on the line to makke altchans a better place, has shown me so much. That if I believe in myself, and dont give a fuck what anyone says, and use my fucking mind. I can win at anything, no matter what the challenge.

Anonymous9/9/2024, 5:25:30 AM#7155be39

>>c50b1db1 hewon

Anonymous9/10/2024, 2:30:56 PM#ccc69b45

bring George core back too!
