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Anonymous6/1/2024, 1:47:46 AM#bb1fbb45

1915.jpg, 40.39 kB


>the best way to prevent your imageboard from the shortage of orbs is to host it on clearnet

alright, I was wrong. This site's on clearnet and it is so dead...

i niggered6/1/2024, 2:06:41 AM#225a76ba

im not sure. im here tho. :)

Anonymous6/1/2024, 2:07:24 AM#8cf934cb

maybe its just slow thats ok slow boards are good and sometimes theres some cool spammers

Anonymous6/2/2024, 2:36:10 AM#8e57ac8e


>it is so dead.

it's called a chill community newfaggot

Anonymous6/2/2024, 2:57:27 PM#4f61a00d

OIP.jpeg, 23.63 kB


>it is so dead

such is non mainstream social media
