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im starting to love gimp nowAnonymous7/19/2024, 2:17:03 PM#b59e5f1b

gimp magic.png, 191.82 kB

gimp magic.png

i can make memes (jokes, put it here in case newfags do not ken orb slangs) with it i wonder if bbc one (and other bbc channels BBCMUX) still remains clear (after 2023 hd switch over) clear i mean no encryptions or they have followed eurocucked now (using video encryptions that's exclusively available on licensed set top boxes)

Anonymous7/20/2024, 6:49:09 AM#7383fa23

>i wonder if bbc one (and other bbc channels BBCMUX) still remains clear (after 2023 hd switch over)

Is there a way to check?

Anonymous7/20/2024, 7:10:58 PM#9b998015

>>7383fa23 lyngsat or a third-party chink dvb receiver, i guess
