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Custom number of threads on the overboard5/21/2024, 11:38:59 AM#ab2f5504

This was suggested a while back. Currently you can specify particular boards visible on the overboard like this:


now you can also specify the number of threads you want to see like this


There is also a config setting in gatewayConfig.html to set a max on this in gateway mode, by default 10 threads. Also added a config form allowing the changing of various config settings without restarting the node. Still want to add similar for the gateway config settings, and also the ability to restart the peerbit client without restarting the whole frontend client as well, so you can change the ports and replication settings more conveniently.

Anonymous5/21/2024, 11:41:11 AM#1a0619c3

config.png, 75.74 kB


like this i also want to differentiate between setting the default theme and the theme for the given user, so a user can select a theme freely without affecting other users or the default theme, in gateway mode

Anonymous5/22/2024, 8:42:07 AM#409fe92b

gatewayconf.png, 96.84 kB


added a gateway configuration page too, to allow you to change various gateway settings without restarting (still requires you to manually edit the admin and user password in the json file however)

Anonymous5/22/2024, 10:54:54 AM#5ea43c6a

really nice
