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peerchan.net software updates + board reset buttonAnonymous6/13/2024, 12:49:59 PM#8a99e7ea

resetti.png, 138.06 kB


reset.png, 29.72 kB


I learned the value of not ignoring software updates and by upgrading node, the os, etc. of the peerchan.net server, seems to have reduced memory usage by a nice chunk. hopefully things will be a little more stable until the upcoming peerbit performance upgrade can be integrated into gladden. also, the latest version has a board reset button that lets you delete all the local content and start anew, rebuiling your local database from other nodes.

Anonymous6/13/2024, 4:52:26 PM#8abdfc99


Anonymous6/14/2024, 12:39:28 AM#d53cb14c

>>8a99e7ea something something uninstall patch something something increase in stability idk ask jd man

Anonymous6/18/2024, 3:16:13 AM#469dc10c

Good news
