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Anonymous3/6/2024, 7:14:22 AM#87f7902a

home.png, 1.16 MB


can we get a better theme this is not nice to look at.

Anonymous3/6/2024, 4:22:59 PM#94c030b7

Sure, I'll work on a css selector. Also, in the meantime you can modify themes/simple.css to change the appearance as you see fit.

Anonymous3/6/2024, 4:33:16 PM#f092ceb4

i have to add css styling to the links but in the meantime try this

Anonymous3/6/2024, 4:33:41 PM#7aa97e74

darkertheme.png, 183.31 kB



Anonymous3/6/2024, 4:53:16 PM#3de97630

better ver

Anonymous3/7/2024, 7:59:10 AM#7068114b

holy shit thatthat was quick thank you very much sir
