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whatAnonymous3/19/2024, 5:36:35 AM#8488fa15

why can't I see images

testtest3/19/2024, 10:56:38 AM#13db07ca

12095.jpg, 87.45 kB


testing posting over tor

Anonymous3/19/2024, 12:22:13 PM#487ecbd7

It might take a little it to load things into memory when you start up. Did it resolve?

Anonymous3/19/2024, 1:07:53 PM#6e718567

>>487ecbd7 yeah it solved itself today after running this thing again

Anonymous3/19/2024, 1:12:52 PM#b870d5f6

>>6e718567 nice glad to hear

Anonymous3/19/2024, 2:04:34 PM#871ddb6e

also, as to the DeliveryError and crash thing, it should hopefully work better in the latest version, so I recommend updating

Anonymous3/20/2024, 8:48:01 AM#aff59f20

