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AnonymizationAnonymous3/21/2024, 2:33:22 PM#82a14d67

It seems like gladden works through whonix. https://peerchan.net/p2p/thread/54.html So maybe it will be relatively simple to make a setting to have it communicate through SOCKS proxy.

Anonymous3/21/2024, 3:25:41 PM#a8a93faf

>>82a14d67 I can say that whonix routes packets and node packages are just higher network level, so if something can work under whonix that can't say anything about ease of implementation on node. It seems peerbit does not support proxy natively sooooooo idk Also in case if browser sandbox will be breached with exploit (or gladden node itself, somehow), app-level proxy setting would not safe user from IP leak, while whonix would. But proxy would still be good option to have yea ______________________ Posted from Whonix™ Workstation® 17

Anonymous3/23/2024, 12:16:45 AM#e04207a4

>>a8a93faf Good points... hmm. This might be something that libp2p can do but it's not totally clear yet how.
