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Anonymous4/4/2024, 7:32:03 PM#6f7192ca


Anonymous4/4/2024, 8:49:38 PM#f8da53a3

The gateway you're posting from only has access to the boards listed on top. Gateways can be configured with various permission settings, including which boards can be accessed publicly through them. If you run the client yourself you can add and browse any boards you want.

Anonymous4/4/2024, 8:50:49 PM#c0c9fcd6

add4chan.png, 14.49 kB


>>f8da53a3 pic related

Anonymous4/4/2024, 9:04:34 PM#9127c0fa

>>f8da53a3 lol my bad the thing is I wasn't trying to access /4chan/ but it said that anyway

Anonymous4/4/2024, 9:06:18 PM#b7729220

>>f8da53a3 also immaculate taste in pictures.

Anonymous4/4/2024, 9:30:48 PM#3435be9d

>>9127c0fa Oh lol. It's because the error message is basically for the "last error to occur" rather than being for specific users. So someone else somewhere probably tried to access /4chan/ though the same gateway lol. Should probably do it with browsing sessions instead now that that's already integrated into the project. And then users can also select their own theme instead of changing the default theme. >>b7729220

Anonymous4/4/2024, 10:51:39 PM#8acc8996

>>3435be9d makes sense
