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Page Link LimitAnonymous6/10/2024, 1:27:06 AM#63ac19f3

+1 file not shown.

Say there are 1000 pages on a board, and you are on page 123, and we want to limit the number of visible page links to 100 while also making it as convenient to navigate as possible, what should be the system to determine which page links (a selected 100 out of 1000 that also considers the current page and always makes it visible too), are visible?

Anonymous6/10/2024, 1:35:16 AM#eb792d93


>we want to limit the number of visible page links to 100

obnoxious quantities of visible pages are free speech patch

Anonymous6/10/2024, 12:59:35 PM#390a7a1d

>>63ac19f3 cope use gladden /soy/ won

Anonymous6/11/2024, 7:25:37 AM#dfa579c3

+1 file not shown.

also handsome postings are free speech

George_Luddite6/11/2024, 7:43:36 AM#e1204673

+1 file not shown.

>>390a7a1d i hope gladden worked on my gladdy machine..

Anonymous6/11/2024, 8:18:07 AM#70ffd4c2

>>dfa579c3 >>e1204673 I see your posts loud and clear. Images are still coming through.

Anonymous6/11/2024, 8:18:48 AM#9768e261

+1 file not shown.

>>70ffd4c2 Images loaded too.

Anonymous6/18/2024, 3:19:47 AM#28e7c0ba

only show 10 after current pahe so you show 123 to 133
