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Anonymous6/30/2024, 1:23:21 PM#6340d319

116.jpg, 35.27 kB


Lambda fagmin jannies quicker than usual seems like he is back to spooncucking... EDIT: i forgo its Sunday, commoners are on a break from work...

Anonymous6/30/2024, 2:44:14 PM#fb4fa5a0

82.jpg, 32.68 kB


Also, summer is approaching! It's nanotranny season. Pagmin is generally work for that small usergroup.

Anonymous6/30/2024, 4:51:06 PM#19133f83

illust01.jpg, 62.90 kB


>>fb4fa5a0 i guess he has automod on as it moves other posts to /spam/ sometimes

Anonymous7/1/2024, 2:07:49 AM#1ca3e04c

I work on Sundays like a real man no breaks baby

Anonymous7/1/2024, 8:20:37 AM#be2441cb

225.jpg, 34.53 kB


>>1ca3e04c wage slavery really is wage slavery. But who knows, you might get that three day-offs the other days.

i niggered7/1/2024, 8:49:07 AM#54f40bd0

i am just gettin money cause i want it to do something i dont need it to live

Anonymous7/1/2024, 9:25:32 AM#b2a29b4e

>>be2441cb what can I say I'm too mind broken to not be a slave
