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Pruning/Orphan Management10/20/2024, 12:37:16 PM#61414f76

prune.png, 86.05 kB


The latest version of the peerchan client has a new page for managing "orphans" (reply posts without a known thread OP post, or files not referenced by any non-orphan post). This provides a way for you to delete content that you might not want that's cluttering your local database, and maybe give some peace of mind that alles ist in Ordnung. Keep in mind you might not always want to delete orphans though, as they could have arrived to you before the thing referencing them did. So use discretion. There are also buttons for "Prune" (soft-delete) and "Delete" (hard-delete). The former means that your node simply erases the data corresponding to document in question, while the latter means your node performs an explicit deletion action. The implementation and implications of the "Prune" option are still not all there yet so for now only "Delete" is functional. The interface can be accessed at /prune.html or by clicking the "Pruning Interface" link on /home.html.
