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Anonymous10/19/2024, 12:53:46 AM#464cafc5

809.jpg, 61.57 kB


nice to see peerpan back, lambda I and II has been dead at the moment. 24/7 orbs seems to be rarity here

Anonymous10/19/2024, 5:03:07 AM#d9919ee2

Welcome back. In the process of testing out the new peerbit version that reduces memory usage by a heavy chunk and integrating it with the client. Just checking some optimization stuff for the time being first.

Anonymous10/22/2024, 10:26:35 AM#ac6b849e

peerchan on xterm

Anonymous10/22/2024, 4:37:14 PM#252558cd

>>ac6b849e nice

Anonymous10/24/2024, 7:40:05 AM#85a703c4

1721.jpg, 30.42 kB


I now have my green cornflakes chained and I now got 1.5 goy bays Is that enough to host peerchan gladden thing? Is it possible to host anonymously though since peerchan is a clearnet site.

Anonymous10/24/2024, 9:47:15 AM#056c74bb

>>85a703c4 1.5 should be enough now after the recent update. you can host the site part anonymously by using a tor hidden service (like how used to be the case before i migrated hosts; there was also an onion address) however the client communicates on two ports: one port for the webserver/pageserver aspect (default 8000) another port for the peerbit node which does the p2p communication. this uses lipp2p so doesn't have native support for tor currently, so it will communicate on the clearnet, however one workaround users have found is to host the whole thing inside a whonix setup, that way traffic on both ports will pass trhough tor.

Anonymous10/26/2024, 12:02:18 AM#0d7fedca

