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CSS Word WrapLink Long-Link Linkton4/1/2024, 7:57:18 AM#42071804

longlink.png, 30.23 kB


On The long link goes too far, does anyone know how to get it to wrap? I can get this to work on the chalk theme by adding

>word-wrap break-word; to the "a" thing, but it doesn't work with other themes for some reason lol...

wat do?

Anonymous4/1/2024, 8:24:21 AM#59eaecf6

skill issue

Anonymous4/1/2024, 10:21:26 PM#1fe2c093

okay got it finally. need to change:

>word-wrap: break-word


>overflow-wrap: anywhere

Anonymous4/2/2024, 12:14:11 PM#4f51903f

fixed this for all themes in the latest ver
