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peerwires updateAnonymous6/26/2024, 9:58:17 PM#2d42e61f

peerwires is on the latest commit thank you for reading

Anonymous6/27/2024, 2:48:51 AM#d418c933


Anonymous6/27/2024, 2:56:29 AM#05418def

>>d418c933 should've easy to guess

Anonymous6/27/2024, 3:03:09 AM#bc973baa

>>05418def *be

Anonymous6/27/2024, 8:00:15 PM#d657eba3

>>bc973baa *be be c ONE!

Anonymous6/27/2024, 8:01:19 PM#1588cba0

apologies in deleting the CP i may have misclicked on a post in this thread

Anonymous6/27/2024, 8:11:50 PM#6e075f4e

>>1588cba0 don't think you deleted anything on here, i don't have you as a moderator on peerwires and this thread is the same on peerwires and peerchan

Anonymous6/27/2024, 8:13:55 PM#48d6290d

>>1588cba0 this is why i prefer the checkbox approach to moderation, like on infinity

Anonymous6/27/2024, 8:19:32 PM#79399dce

>>48d6290d Might be good, i remember you suggested it before. I should think of a js-minimal way to do it that also doesnt have much visual clutter.

Anonymous6/27/2024, 8:20:23 PM#f2440150

>>6e075f4e Oh good.

Anonymous6/27/2024, 8:39:51 PM#74ba374f

>>79399dce indeed the visual clutter is going to be an issue, on infinity its only visible in moderation mode, but since everyone is technically a moderator its going to be visible at all times except gateway mode i guess

Anonymous6/27/2024, 8:57:08 PM#6c2b3d4b

>>74ba374f There could be a button to toggle moderation mode on and off in the sidebar maybe.

Anonymous6/27/2024, 9:44:57 PM#178f64b4

>>6c2b3d4b that could work

Anonymous6/27/2024, 10:04:41 PM#8b4c47c5

>>178f64b4 and there should be a 'bake' button so I can bake a cake while browsing

Anonymous6/27/2024, 10:20:31 PM#c2a16bb1

>>8b4c47c5 what are you going to bake
