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Anonymous6/14/2024, 4:20:39 AM#21eae588

angry_deer.jpg, 15.54 kB


im upset

Anonymous6/14/2024, 9:44:21 AM#c0e36ebf

dont worry be happy

Anonymous6/14/2024, 11:33:55 AM#d0301924

58.jpg, 55.00 kB


but im handsome

Anonymous6/14/2024, 12:18:42 PM#2f2b2504

>>d0301924 all the more reason to be happy

Anonymous6/15/2024, 12:41:36 AM#f50ee44a

>>21eae588 patch bro i think you messed up the copy paste what was the rest of the 4chan thread supposed to say

Anonymous6/16/2024, 6:14:57 AM#ef180754

>>f50ee44a why are you under the impression that you are talking to patch? how farfetched would it be if I'm his federal agent replacement? love you.

Anonymous6/16/2024, 3:50:16 PM#3003c29f

>>ef180754 patch you can lovebomb me all you want but i'm not going to be your next mascot you're running out of suitable mascots but i suggest maybe historicalfag next

Anonymous6/16/2024, 8:30:42 PM#f15808bd

>>3003c29f just for one day pleaes

Anonymous6/17/2024, 2:22:10 AM#be18d976

>>f15808bd fine patch but i'm not resurrecting any of my old identities you'll have to wait for me to make a new one

Anonymous6/17/2024, 2:49:17 AM#4257dde0

>>be18d976 this is why I love so much

Anonymous6/17/2024, 6:46:49 AM#d9a38e95

3rd party commentary

>how farfetched would it be if I'm his federal agent replacement?

extremely farfetched unless ur doing it wrong do you have any idea the sheer mentally ill level it takes to be patch let alone the time investment 99.999999999999999% of glowniggers cant even phantom this elderitch concept let alone put it into practice they would die the first step some random retards die from getting pilled on the deeper workings of patch alone

Anonymous6/18/2024, 12:48:57 AM#42b293bd

>>4257dde0 patch don't confuse any of the twisted inclinations you experience as love

Anonymous6/18/2024, 1:23:35 AM#2ebe47e1

>>42b293bd it must be love
