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this song woke me up!george_lambda6/9/2024, 2:12:28 AM#41850d93

...stronger, that yours could-nt com-pare! my saucepan will grow bigger , that yours could-nt com-pare! my saucepan is not your saucepan. therefore it is superior! taste my saucepan! come taste my saucepan! come taste my saucepan! come taste my saucepan! YEEAAWWW! dun dadadadad dun taste my saucepan!taste my saucepan! taste my saucepan!taste my saucepan! taste my saucepan!taste my saucepan! taste my saucepan!taste my saucepan! my saucepan will become .stronger, that yours could-nt com-pare! my saucepan will grow bigger , that yours could-nt com-pare! my saucepan is not your saucepan. therefore it is superior! YEEAAWWW! dun dadadadad dun...

Anonymous6/9/2024, 2:15:23 AM#4df101ec

taste my saucepan! come lick my saucepan! come fly my saucepan! come worship my saucepan!

Anonymous6/9/2024, 2:53:10 AM#ff6eb8f1

>>4df101ec that's really gay mane i dont swing that way yaknowwudimsayin

Anonymous6/9/2024, 2:57:17 AM#762909c4

1819.jpg, 42.59 kB


>>ff6eb8f1 orb mad
