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Anonymous6/11/2024, 9:57:01 PM#27b04498

2951.jpg, 25.32 kB


are computers with whirling noise faster than the one without? I have been looking for the loudest orb box so I can quickly distribute orbs to every set of lantern slides I have on my htmls

Anonymous6/11/2024, 11:41:28 PM#be252690

>are computers with whirling noise faster than the one without?


Anonymous6/11/2024, 11:54:58 PM#4121f723

>>be252690 buzzkill rulecuck faggot

Anonymous6/11/2024, 11:55:26 PM#6d8beb8d

>>4121f723 I understand your frustration

Anonymous6/12/2024, 1:46:28 AM#df7c6d3b

>>6d8beb8d my computer has whirling noises every time i boot up pedonigger honeypot sites on yandex browser and it runs great so youre wrong

Anonymous6/12/2024, 2:52:37 AM#c728a0e7

>>df7c6d3b I'm just saying the whirling doesn't mean better it's just something that happens sometimes

Anonymous6/12/2024, 4:18:44 AM#15699152

3150.jpg, 65.88 kB


#c728a0e7 its the noise of orbs calling for help faggot!

Anonymous6/12/2024, 6:02:15 AM#d2e637b8

>>15699152 gn my love

Anonymous6/12/2024, 6:24:39 AM#35ee8ad6

2012.jpg, 64.46 kB


>>d2e637b8 yes, my orb? what is gn?

Anonymous6/12/2024, 11:55:59 AM#54add100

>>35ee8ad6 it means goodnight
