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OverboardAnonymous4/1/2024, 8:10:35 AM#95a31d89

overboard.png, 238.64 kB


Overboard has been added to the latest version of Gladden.

Anonymous4/2/2024, 4:41:24 AM#ead18aab

Does it works only with boards you've subbed to? Good anyways thx

Anonymous4/2/2024, 11:32:11 AM#ccad1e4c

Yep, only boards you're watching.

Anonymous4/2/2024, 11:57:08 AM#5870cf39


Anonymous4/2/2024, 1:35:57 PM#c799b7ac

In distant future, it would be useful to customize which boards go to overboard (like overboard.html?boards=psy,ru,g). You may want to see some slowposting boards, omit fast boards like /b, yet not unsubscribing from /b entirely.

Anonymous4/3/2024, 6:17:43 AM#63c7f8e2

>>c799b7ac yeah, user-customizable overboards/views would be the dream

Anonymous4/3/2024, 8:19:42 AM#e4af417e

>>c799b7ac >>63c7f8e2 Added this, you can visit overboard.html?boards=psy,ru,g and it will only show threads from those boards

Anonymous4/3/2024, 8:55:16 AM#7d7b3330

>>e4af417e ❤️
