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Gladden version 0.0.1Anonymous3/29/2024, 2:03:32 PM#eb1bd3d8

A new version of the Gladden client has been released (0.0.1). https://gitgud.io/threshold862543/gladden/-/merge_requests/1 In this version, files are posted to board-specific pools instead of a global files pool. This is probably for the best going forward as it will be easier to keep track of and manage which files you are seeding. Checking the previous pan-board files database for files is supported for backwards compatibility, but can be disabled in config.json. Without upgrading and staying with the 0.0.0 client, files posted by the 0.0.1 client won't be visible as the board-specific file databases aren't supported, so I recommend upgrading. When you upgrade, make sure not to overwrite your config/watchedBoards.json.

Anonymous3/29/2024, 3:39:09 PM#4d5f5feb

>When you upgrade, make sure not to overwrite your config/watchedBoards.json. >gladden.peerchan.net boards got purged anyway

Anonymous3/29/2024, 4:09:33 PM#c5f621dc

>>4d5f5feb actually was on purpose lol, for some reason i felt like doing that ill re-add some maybe

Anonymous3/29/2024, 4:13:48 PM#8eabe58d

>>c5f621dc by the way the boards themselves are still there seeded on the backend, just not everything is accessible through the gateway at gladden.peerchan.net

Anonymous3/29/2024, 4:15:41 PM#752f93de


Anonymous3/29/2024, 9:50:54 PM#d97a75c3

added a few more boards the gladden.peerchan.net gateway again

Anonymous3/30/2024, 2:29:37 PM#d1b8a5d3

>>d97a75c3 thank you sir

Anonymous3/30/2024, 3:57:33 PM#a8469383

>>d1b8a5d3 np, could add more, which do you want in particular?

Anonymous3/30/2024, 7:09:51 PM#1eb0076f

>>a8469383 /g/ and /b/ are enough for me tbh
