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Anonymous7/15/2024, 3:11:53 AM#71eb6882

what is this place?

Anonymous7/15/2024, 11:56:55 AM#2f9beaca

its a peer to peer imageboard using gladden

Anonymous7/16/2024, 3:33:10 PM#86748ea6

lol.png, 80.44 kB



Anonymous7/16/2024, 3:35:28 PM#e2f52a65

>>2f9beaca does this imply that peerchan will never die?

Anonymous7/16/2024, 3:42:17 PM#a5b91286

>>e2f52a65 There is redundancy across multiple nodes. Peerchan.net is just one node in the network.

Anonymous7/16/2024, 5:38:39 PM#8c69848e

>>a5b91286 what are nodes?

Anonymous7/17/2024, 4:22:39 AM#5c4f2807

>>8c69848e Other machines running the gladden software. If you yourself download and run the gladden software, the posts and files from the various boards will be downloaded to your machine from the other nodes, and your machine will also act as a seeder.

Anonymous8/12/2024, 2:19:29 PM#3eeb6c78

>>71eb6882 Hell
