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Other BoardsAnonymous3/1/2024, 1:57:16 PM#442fa79e

post other boards that you've added here I'll start:

>/secret1/ >/soy/

Anonymous3/2/2024, 12:12:03 AM#42d03b46
Anonymous3/2/2024, 4:55:45 AM#72440d12

i cannot open them what gives?

Anonymous3/2/2024, 4:58:11 AM#e65882ea

nvm im retarded

Anonymous3/2/2024, 2:35:07 PM#4f80a99b

>i cannot open them what gives?

Maybe I should add a way to add them when you visit the page instead of going through the home menu.

Anonymous3/6/2024, 7:07:17 AM#e8cc8c4e

>Maybe I should add a way to add them when you visit the page instead of going through the home menu

depends if you want it to be retard proof

Anonymous3/14/2024, 1:32:29 PM#f5641cc1

another one is /4chan/

Anonymous3/15/2024, 7:32:44 PM#68d29e62


Anonymous3/15/2024, 10:44:49 PM#5ef3a07f
Anonymous3/16/2024, 3:25:46 AM#f987e762

/a/ and /os/

Anonymous3/16/2024, 4:18:57 AM#740226bc

added some nicer error handling for this

Anonymous3/16/2024, 4:57:19 AM#47fa37d5

/2hu/ for touhou project

Anonymous3/16/2024, 5:16:30 AM#4084f9b3

/vn/ for vns

Anonymous3/19/2024, 11:07:34 AM#d67a2ac6

I cant see any content on any of those, even though I added to watched board list

Anonymous3/19/2024, 1:41:41 PM#de050936

vn doesnt exist

Anonymous3/19/2024, 2:08:01 PM#921d93c9

>>de050936 I think it exists just nobody's posted yet.

Anonymous3/19/2024, 2:19:38 PM#b215485e

>>d67a2ac6 anybody with same error, just restart

Anonymous3/21/2024, 3:54:05 PM#1369525d

/bb, /ru, /mu

Anonymous3/31/2024, 8:51:03 AM#f61d35eb

ae38fcb277d5.png, 221.42 kB



Anonymous3/31/2024, 3:22:10 PM#4b843588


Anonymous4/2/2024, 7:09:44 AM#d8753f66

/v for games /fap for fap /h for hentai /g for tech /dr for diaries /undefined for undefined /pol for politics /vip because I was it on screenshot /gladden in case /landing will be flooded since it is default board boi do I like create boards

Anonymous4/2/2024, 1:19:53 PM#40dc3ac4

>>d8753f66 creating boards is fun tbh

Anonymous4/2/2024, 4:17:59 PM#bb3160e5

/pics for imagery

Anonymous4/2/2024, 8:41:45 PM#9f1c5488

>>bb3160e5 this is an image board, you post images everywhere smh

Anonymous4/3/2024, 1:12:23 AM#e9c463b9

>>9f1c5488 /pics is something like /wp but without minimum image size and limiting it's purpose to be a wallpaper

Anonymous4/5/2024, 11:49:08 AM#ecdd5ae4

>>e9c463b9 that makes me think can you really put a filesize limit? if i understand correctly technically no one owns a board to enforce anykind of rule, so how will the filesize limit get enforced? client size? so gladden just refuses to upload a given file because if its size? really makes me think.

Anonymous4/5/2024, 12:21:22 PM#5b3ffe11

>>ecdd5ae4 Yeah every peer validates posts (and files) when a new one is received. If it passes the validation criteria, the post is stored in the local copy of the database. The client also uses these same validation criteria when making a post through the UI. Validation settings are stored in config/validation.json. By default every client starts with the same settings, this has the benefit of avoiding "I posted but it's not showing up for my friend wtf" type situations due to mismatched validation criteria. But any peer is free to modify these, just if you remove the limit and try to put 10000 characters into the name field, your client will accept the post, but other clients wont. There's been some discussion about better logging of invalid post rejections, which could be pretty useful down the road in terms of spam filters and things like that. >Rejected 20 posts due to XYZ reason type of thing

Anonymous4/5/2024, 12:53:58 PM#6a84811c

>>5b3ffe11 that would be pretty cool

Anonymous4/5/2024, 1:19:40 PM#26cf0c8e


>that makes me think can you really put a filesize limit?

Lol I'm >>e9c463b9 and I meant the non-technical limit for minimum size of "wallpaper". I mean I like to save images, and not only wallpaper-format. I think many people on imageboards do like that too.

>client size? so gladden just refuses to upload a given file because if its size?

More like "clients refuse to download", which limits propogation + most people just can't see what you are posting (or your entire post if number of attachments exceeds 1, as of now).

Anonymous4/5/2024, 1:35:53 PM#b0d9cf62

>>26cf0c8e I wonder what the ideal behavior should be. Allow like up to 32 files by default but also have a config setting for not showing all the files if there are too many in a single post, and set that to 5 by default or something like that?

Anonymous4/5/2024, 3:24:26 PM#253a626c


>not showing all the files if there are too many in a single post >5 by default

This. Just show that there some more but they are hidden

Anonymous4/5/2024, 4:36:46 PM#4504cdd7

>>253a626c okay this works pretty well, i think we can maybe set the default in the validation to 64 just have to clean up the formatting before pushing it to the repo

Anonymous4/5/2024, 5:35:53 PM#fd0bf44e

>>253a626c >>4504cdd7 Added this in the latest version https://gitgud.io/threshold862543/gladden/-/commit/5c3a449a5979bf3109c3dc24951ff8c94f3a2f42

Anonymous5/16/2024, 2:11:15 AM#c831a3e5


Anonymous6/12/2024, 7:01:26 AM#6e5279d2


Anonymous6/13/2024, 2:12:12 AM#4998d71a

2529.jpg, 33.87 kB


>>6e5279d2 how do I add boards, me dear orbs? i'd like to add /handsomegeorge/

Anonymous6/13/2024, 2:21:17 AM#38a7b095

>>4998d71a if you are self hosting go to your home page and add it there otherwise you have to hope peerchan admin adds it to his gateway
