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reading threadAnonymous5/17/2024, 6:02:52 AM#3ec31a05

do you guys read? what do you read?

Anonymous5/17/2024, 8:01:04 AM#93595a09

Ss.jpg, 21.66 kB


Simulacra and Simulation. He passionately and humorously cuts the Faustian worldview to ribbons. Extremely eye opening and refreshing, it essentially explicates the limits and catastropic end of the 'modern', Hegelian, socialist Weltanschauung, and suggests what might be next. In my opinion it ties in very nicely and pairs well as the germ of answer to the question revealed by Oswald Spengler's Decline of the West, which I'm gradually in the process of going through: "What's next?"

Anonymous5/19/2024, 2:01:50 AM#b31d4c26

>>3ec31a05 reading is for faggots

Anonymous5/19/2024, 9:35:44 AM#39ad1052

>>93595a09 being this much of an intellectual is unfathomably based, sounds super interesting, I must read it one day and perhaps we can have a discussion. >>b31d4c26 no homo

Anonymous5/21/2024, 11:15:46 AM#c556fd30

>>39ad1052 here's a pdf
