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how do I janny stuff?Anonymous5/6/2024, 12:23:23 PM#bfc95dea

I want to remove the soylita content on /soy/ from my view but i don't see a button for it. also how can other people follow my hides so they don't have to see it if they don't want to as well.

Anonymous5/6/2024, 12:37:16 PM#c42783c7

modfeatures.jpg, 161.20 kB


Are you running the software yourself? If so there is a delete button under the submit post button. You can also tell people your client id (visible on the homepage if youre running it yourself) and they can add you as a moderator. If you are using a gateway (like gladden.peerchan.net) its likely that those features are disabled for general users.

Anonymous5/6/2024, 1:36:48 PM#dfd2f78c

Just curious.. why do you want to remove it? What emotions does it make you feel that you feel this need to not see it. I can't understand the mindset. Explain yourself.

Anonymous5/7/2024, 4:48:57 PM#37e64ff8

on this note I think having the ability to hide threads or minimize them would really nice. >>dfd2f78c depression and sadness

Anonymous5/7/2024, 4:54:48 PM#1d62ab20

>>37e64ff8 you see a cute girl and you feel depressed and sad.. why?

Anonymous5/7/2024, 5:29:23 PM#22770f41

>>1d62ab20 because I will never be a cute girl

Anonymous5/8/2024, 11:20:04 AM#34d4b0fb

>>22770f41 never say never
