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Anonymous6/23/2024, 4:12:30 AM#c4011b1a

it seems that kohlchan got captcha'd

Anonymous6/23/2024, 4:12:54 AM#79e4ae92

so when will peerchan get captcha'd

Anonymous6/23/2024, 4:34:45 AM#11955d04

>>79e4ae92 Id rather have peerchan.net spammed than add a captcha. I loathe captchas lol, and they dont really have any purpose but to annoy human users, similar to the ritualistic humiliation people endure at security checkpoints where some fatass rifles through your belongings.

Anonymous6/23/2024, 5:14:39 AM#46a2f976

>>11955d04 typical patch behavior

Anonymous6/23/2024, 1:52:34 PM#908dd066

2356.jpg, 50.55 kB


>>46a2f976 so when will peerchan get captcha'd when my saucepan flies.. and when will my saucepan fly? NEVER! I REMEMBERED STARING AT IT FOR FIVE HOURS STRAIGHT!!!

Anonymous6/23/2024, 9:21:12 PM#616912c8

when will you play team brandon even i wasnt stuck on team jole for this long sure i switch randomly thats what ur meant to do retard

Anonymous6/23/2024, 9:23:50 PM#8c3c4037

>>616912c8 sage negated

Anonymous6/23/2024, 9:35:33 PM#1ec55845



Anonymous6/23/2024, 10:19:17 PM#6f2e6eb3

>>1ec55845 how does it feel? to treat me like you do?

Anonymous6/23/2024, 10:21:25 PM#1e460d11

when you laid your hands upon me and told me who you are

Anonymous6/23/2024, 10:21:37 PM#7c8324bf



Anonymous6/23/2024, 10:22:15 PM#c53edae3

>>1ec55845 I thought I was mistaken I thought I heard your words

Anonymous6/23/2024, 10:24:28 PM#a8db5b55

>>7c8324bf I will see what I can do my love

Anonymous6/23/2024, 10:33:31 PM#092955bd

2593.jpg, 45.38 kB


>>a8db5b55 and I will see from my Swedish turnips

Anonymous6/23/2024, 10:40:07 PM#da326058

>>a8db5b55 bladxhzi >>092955bd histroico

Anonymous6/25/2024, 2:50:43 AM#2f85c682

>>11955d04 you'll eat your words patchy

Anonymous6/25/2024, 4:19:26 AM#22e989eb

>>2f85c682 stop the threats
