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Anonymous4/5/2024, 2:05:21 PM#f4644bc6

OIP.jpeg, 7.10 kB


this shit works with termux we are so back phonefags

Anonymous4/5/2024, 2:14:22 PM#fed14008

Wow nice

Anonymous4/5/2024, 2:18:07 PM#f5e3ea87

FUG.png, 125.41 kB




Anonymous4/5/2024, 2:39:15 PM#191f13e9

How's the performance?

Anonymous4/5/2024, 4:16:51 PM#0080bc28

>>191f13e9 it's alright can't complain

Anonymous4/5/2024, 4:26:21 PM#ba4e26a6

>>0080bc28 That's sick so you can have it running and then access the UI on the browser on the phone OS itself?

Anonymous4/5/2024, 4:34:20 PM#c3979d38

>>ba4e26a6 yeah pretty much

Anonymous4/6/2024, 12:16:28 AM#b37f68e9

OP here I thought it would be a good idea to try to get it working on a fresh termux install but I keep running into cmake not being able to find OpenSSL which I didn't face the first time.

Anonymous4/6/2024, 12:19:30 AM#8963d980

it says set OPENSSL_ROOT_DIR can someone translate? stackoverflow says install libssl-dev which does not exist on termix

Anonymous4/6/2024, 12:43:26 AM#7e4f3250

>>8963d980 OPENSSL_ROOT_DIR sounds like an environmental variable which isn't set. If openssl is installed then you need to set it like this:

>export OPENSSL_ROOT_DIR=/path/to/openssl

Anonymous4/6/2024, 4:18:36 AM#40dc5f49

once you get it working could you please write the steps?

Anonymous4/6/2024, 8:42:37 AM#23c7dc35

>>40dc5f49 sure thing, but so far no good lmao, the first time I did I kinda just went through the errors (x does not exist, etc) and downloaded the needed package and then it worked, but now starting fresh and installing all the needed packages doesn't seem to work as cmake chose to be a pain in the butt

Anonymous4/6/2024, 8:44:50 AM#dcd51612

>>40dc5f49 also the first time git didn't work so I had to download the zip file from gitgud, to get the source in termux, now I know what was the issue with git but not sure if fixing the issue is the reason cmake is a pin now

Anonymous4/6/2024, 9:29:01 PM#66a121b9

General steps for this:

>install termux through fdroid >apt upgrade >if things can't be found, try termux-change-repo and select a different one and when upgrading enter y on every prompt to get the remote version >if things aren't found in apt, try pkg instead >apt install git >apt install nodejs >git clone the repo >(you can download with wget or something if git doesn't work) >cd into the repo folder >npm install (not yarn) >npm start >termux-wake-lock to prevent it from shutting down when the app goes out of focus >if it shuts down randomly, disable killing of child process in android developer settings >you can daemonize the process with pm2 etc

Posting from android

Anonymous4/7/2024, 8:45:29 AM#03ce2385

>>66a121b9 did it not ask you to build node-datachannel? because that's my issue.

Anonymous4/7/2024, 9:47:15 AM#3d8e323d

>>03ce2385 or try to build it

Anonymous4/7/2024, 10:28:17 AM#eb4cfb0f

installing OpenSSL-static fixed the cmake error we are so back 2x

Anonymous4/7/2024, 12:59:59 PM#c0438a31

Sick, I found the performance is still pretty decent on the phone too.

Anonymous4/7/2024, 1:02:34 PM#4ca4e284

>>c0438a31 yeah it's manageable

Anonymous4/8/2024, 6:02:57 PM#46c8d4a7

Termux doesn't work properly in secondary user profiles, which I use. Do other terminal emulators work?

Anonymous4/8/2024, 6:17:20 PM#f7e8c59d

>>46c8d4a7 i only know about termux, not sure if there are any alternatives, also no idea what secondary user profile is.

Anonymous4/8/2024, 7:55:07 PM#eb1b152f

>>46c8d4a7 What's the issue when you try using it with a secondary user profile? And why are you using one, out of curiosity.
