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Anonymous9/15/2024, 10:07:02 AM#42dd61b3

>The Ribbit Rally (formerly known as The Frog Pond) is a neo-Nazi imageboard based around Pepe the frog. :neutralpepe: Users of the site are walking caricatures of /pol/cels - the kind of people who would be laughed off of /pol/. :authrighttrollface: While the site's original name was "The Frog Pond", it is actually a swamp, and one of the internet's most putrid swamps - one that regularly makes desperate attempts to raid the Sharty and always gets completely BTFO by SoyCHADs in return. :marseysoyteen: Most threads on The Ribbit Rally come across like some kind of bad satire of Trump supporters made by a Kamala Harris supporter. :marseygivecoconut: > >As you can probably imagine, it doesn't exactly take very much to get the site's users riled up. :chudjakcry: One recent thread - which received far more replies than 99% of threads on the rancid QAnon r-slur circlejerk do - is a perfect example. > >https://theribbitrally.org/qa2/res/10000.html (archived: https://archive.is/mlMrD) > >The OP, as usual, reads like something generated by some ancient AI like Cleverbot:
