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Captain Woomy7/8/2024, 10:59:33 AM#919f603b[Reply]

Reminder :

>>>/sharty/15899 are just falseflag gigo89, ignore xis lies.

Anonymous7/8/2024, 11:05:12 AM#d3cf6039

nothing more boring than namefags doxing and insulting each other.

Captain Woomy7/8/2024, 11:10:54 AM#27faaa05

>>d3cf6039 Trve. fuck ragetroon

Captain Woomy7/8/2024, 10:24:52 AM#ec82d337[Reply]


>Yeah yknow the ESL "polandian" (he's actually bosnian) nulee sperg that hates ongezellig, soylita, alunya, slopjaks, etc. this ESL sperg keep impersonate me for 20x time before i got banned after codecaca incident january ago. he's still use shemmy nowdays as "crabfag"


>Polandian Gigo89 impersonator (active since february) which is obsessed with no straight roads, ongezellig and vocaloid and also feralteen friend. formerly was kellyfag friend along with babataco but later betrayed kellyfag after got exposed as a 'corder. also this nigger is mindbroken with splatoon just reminder. if you're see OC ongezellig post and no straight roads post it might be targogiga


>Discorder from afterparty that keep shilling xis fnf pedo-tier oc, kelly. also mindbroken with gemlita geg.


>indonesian fake anti-furry nulee and exposed afterparty member, that's why xhe's gone

Captain Woomy7/8/2024, 10:36:23 AM#6a21891e


>Kuz-era oldfags that recently obsessed with you

Anonymous7/8/2024, 8:37:39 AM#5cc29b6a[Reply]

>never used soyspeak >never soyquoting with soyjaks >Discord grammar >use "@" (which is discord behavior) >confirmed to be QAfe immigrant >Defending Red (QAfe discorder) >wordswordswords >ESL >Projection >Gaslighting >Lies >Manipulation >Saying who oppose loli porn and jailbait is le "pedophile" >Justification of pedophilia >literal says "cunny" to minors >Trying to revive vantablack pro-pedophilia antimatter-tier little girl "soyjaks" which is made by 8chan pedophiles shilled during late-soot era (soylita) >blaming "gigo89, ragefag, lute, etc" (le boogeyman o algo) >mindbroken with moralGODS >Use thousand VPNs and talking with himself >Literally killed the jarty >Basically jartycuck slopjak IRL

Captain Woomy##7/8/2024, 10:08:27 AM#08de8feb

Seethe harder vadmir

Anonymous7/8/2024, 8:38:01 AM#d0fa69e2[Reply]

>never used soyspeak >never soyquoting with soyjaks >Discord grammar >use "@" (which is discord behavior) >confirmed to be QAfe immigrant >Defending Red (QAfe discorder) >wordswordswords >ESL >Projection >Gaslighting >Lies >Manipulation >Saying who oppose loli porn and jailbait is le "pedophile" >Justification of pedophilia >literal says "cunny" to minors >Trying to revive vantablack pro-pedophilia antimatter-tier little girl "soyjaks" which is made by 8chan pedophiles shilled during late-soot era (soylita) >blaming "gigo89, ragefag, lute, etc" (le boogeyman o algo) >mindbroken with moralGODS >Use thousand VPNs and talking with himself >Literally killed the jarty >Basically jartycuck slopjak IRL

Anonymous7/8/2024, 8:37:57 AM#4855806c[Reply]

>never used soyspeak >never soyquoting with soyjaks >Discord grammar >use "@" (which is discord behavior) >confirmed to be QAfe immigrant >Defending Red (QAfe discorder) >wordswordswords >ESL >Projection >Gaslighting >Lies >Manipulation >Saying who oppose loli porn and jailbait is le "pedophile" >Justification of pedophilia >literal says "cunny" to minors >Trying to revive vantablack pro-pedophilia antimatter-tier little girl "soyjaks" which is made by 8chan pedophiles shilled during late-soot era (soylita) >blaming "gigo89, ragefag, lute, etc" (le boogeyman o algo) >mindbroken with moralGODS >Use thousand VPNs and talking with himself >Literally killed the jarty >Basically jartycuck slopjak IRL

Anonymous7/8/2024, 8:37:51 AM#d7100aba[Reply]

>never used soyspeak >never soyquoting with soyjaks >Discord grammar >use "@" (which is discord behavior) >confirmed to be QAfe immigrant >Defending Red (QAfe discorder) >wordswordswords >ESL >Projection >Gaslighting >Lies >Manipulation >Saying who oppose loli porn and jailbait is le "pedophile" >Justification of pedophilia >literal says "cunny" to minors >Trying to revive vantablack pro-pedophilia antimatter-tier little girl "soyjaks" which is made by 8chan pedophiles shilled during late-soot era (soylita) >blaming "gigo89, ragefag, lute, etc" (le boogeyman o algo) >mindbroken with moralGODS >Use thousand VPNs and talking with himself >Literally killed the jarty >Basically jartycuck slopjak IRL

Anonymous7/8/2024, 8:37:48 AM#2f0bbcc2[Reply]

>never used soyspeak >never soyquoting with soyjaks >Discord grammar >use "@" (which is discord behavior) >confirmed to be QAfe immigrant >Defending Red (QAfe discorder) >wordswordswords >ESL >Projection >Gaslighting >Lies >Manipulation >Saying who oppose loli porn and jailbait is le "pedophile" >Justification of pedophilia >literal says "cunny" to minors >Trying to revive vantablack pro-pedophilia antimatter-tier little girl "soyjaks" which is made by 8chan pedophiles shilled during late-soot era (soylita) >blaming "gigo89, ragefag, lute, etc" (le boogeyman o algo) >mindbroken with moralGODS >Use thousand VPNs and talking with himself >Literally killed the jarty >Basically jartycuck slopjak IRL

Anonymous7/8/2024, 8:37:44 AM#df3dba0f[Reply]

>never used soyspeak >never soyquoting with soyjaks >Discord grammar >use "@" (which is discord behavior) >confirmed to be QAfe immigrant >Defending Red (QAfe discorder) >wordswordswords >ESL >Projection >Gaslighting >Lies >Manipulation >Saying who oppose loli porn and jailbait is le "pedophile" >Justification of pedophilia >literal says "cunny" to minors >Trying to revive vantablack pro-pedophilia antimatter-tier little girl "soyjaks" which is made by 8chan pedophiles shilled during late-soot era (soylita) >blaming "gigo89, ragefag, lute, etc" (le boogeyman o algo) >mindbroken with moralGODS >Use thousand VPNs and talking with himself >Literally killed the jarty >Basically jartycuck slopjak IRL

Anonymous7/7/2024, 11:23:00 AM#1464c4a1[Reply]

peerchan is famous

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Anonymous7/7/2024, 12:15:46 PM#04e175a0



stop mentioning a irrelevant dead nametroon. you're spammed peerchan with 'lita porn traced from actual 'p

Anonymous7/7/2024, 12:21:33 PM#d7eee75b


>gigo also saved 'lita porn

geeeeg you know you like it you are just not ready to publicly admit it yet

Anonymous7/7/2024, 2:46:35 PM#f17e0bb7

1105.jpg, 39.71 kB


what is litaporn? Literal porn?

Anonymous6/17/2024, 9:53:42 AM#0d94b2d7[Reply]

/soy/ is for soyjaks https://endchan.net/soy https://8chan.moe/soy https://8kun.top/soyjak2 GO THE FUCK BACK, LITACORDER AND STOP POSTING YOUR FUCKING 'P HERE

Anonymous7/7/2024, 11:10:37 AM#8b0bc0c6

>>0d94b2d7 bumping this gem
