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Why do people become rulecucks?Anonymous7/12/2024, 12:59:16 PM#0161368f

What makes someone into a rulecuck? I can't understand why you would want some faggot tranny on discord to control what content you see when browsing an imageboard. Why do people demand more restrictions and less freedom? What the fuck is wrong with their minds, and why do so many turn into rulecucks?

MegaMymy7/12/2024, 5:38:18 PM#d07516ec

They're obsessed with their "sharty culture", which they think is IAS only, even doe NAS has been a part of sharty culture since the /qa/ days. These are the same people who say 'lita is coal by the way

Anonymous7/12/2024, 6:53:49 PM#414cbdc0

face.jpg, 26.90 kB


>>d07516ec I got banned from the jarty for posting this image. Fuck that shitty site.

Anonymous7/12/2024, 10:52:45 PM#0688314f

>>414cbdc0 just be a torGOD or tuxlerGOD like me. I don't even have a clue what their rules are KEK!

MegaMymy7/12/2024, 11:28:13 PM#36cfe658

>>414cbdc0 Geg I screenshotted that

Anonymous7/13/2024, 12:51:56 PM#8705a90e

#414cbdc0 what a cuck shithole, come and post on lambdaplusjs
