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Anonymous9/3/2024, 4:59:31 PM#a92fcbc5

>0 janitors on peery >still has less cp than jakparty.soy

Anonymous9/5/2024, 3:55:04 PM#00b5b92c

>>a92fcbc5 i still laugh at shit like this too

Anonymous9/5/2024, 7:41:34 PM#3eb6fd96

who even is the janny here?

Anonymous9/5/2024, 8:56:52 PM#5c442e02

>>3eb6fd96 yourself the one running peerchan you are also the admin web gateway is whoever the admin of the gateway is peerchan.net applies to what op is saying 0 jannytrannies here

Anonymous9/6/2024, 2:48:13 AM#f96477ac

>>5c442e02 i niggered how does this even work lol

Anonymous9/6/2024, 4:27:21 AM#cda3bf57

>>5c442e02 ohhhhhhhhh you mean fucking anonymous won? again?

Anonymous9/6/2024, 11:00:02 PM#cdc26256

hqdefault.png, 259.01 kB


>>f96477ac you install gladden link up with peerchan.net and others you get posts and push posts to peerchan and others deleted posts on others or peerchan will stay on your node unless you delete yourself but then it will stay on others and peerchan.net if you delete anyone desiring something like nocem for crossnode jannytrannies or jannytrannies on webshit gateways is SIMPly a cuck that refuses to run gladden and remove whatever is making them dilate so hard locally in worst cases they want to force others into their cucky censorship fetish like the trannyjannies from /j/ youve come to know >>cda3bf57 the grandd haxer legons expeto patroulnum do not forgaven freezy peachy must be upheld and jakkaroos must be allowed to fast post bald cartoon men i said that doe
