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Anonymous5/14/2024, 3:55:09 PM#8595b9bc

you arent maki but im still cringing and preferring more established federations

Anonymous5/14/2024, 8:04:34 PM#e057dbd8

This isnt the first time maki has been mentioned but I still don't know who they are.

Anonymous5/14/2024, 8:34:31 PM#b0f790cf

.png, 866.85 kB


>>e057dbd8 i dont believe you but i do believe you arent maki now

Anonymous5/15/2024, 5:15:55 AM#c75d8047

that what maki wants to beileve

Anonymous5/15/2024, 8:31:36 AM#ebd6e1b3

>>c75d8047 not untrue the site still bugs to everliving shit when i post still the style mixed with this long of development and operation isnt maki 3 out 5 zunko leeks

Anonymous5/15/2024, 8:34:59 AM#195897af

>>ebd6e1b3 and if that is still considered theres no hiring mods thread -1

Anonymous5/15/2024, 10:15:26 AM#66af7ab3

>>195897af I have no desire to moderate, in fact I have a desire to not have to moderate. The only thing I would probably delete from the peerchan.net gateway are things that would, if left undeleted, make the gateway unusable (either legal compliance wise or excessive spam wise). The network can operate without the peerchan.net gateway anyway, but I'd like to keep it open for ease of use.

Anonymous5/15/2024, 3:48:56 PM#ba4505ff


>I have no desire to moderate, in fact I have a desire to not have to moderate.

too bad someone has to do the dirty work.

Anonymous5/15/2024, 5:56:24 PM#e1b0d804

>misinterprets zunko leek marker as attack or question defensively >i dont want to moderate >spam isnt free speech

lol tbh

Anonymous5/15/2024, 6:06:14 PM#604d0284

well you said excessive but that reeks of an endoniggerism so im not taking it seriously

Anonymous5/15/2024, 6:10:22 PM#1ce813fc

>>8595b9bc still its a federated imageboard someone else can run the spamcan these comments >>e1b0d804 >>604d0284 were irrelevant to the maki thing except for his consistent need to create a hiring mods thread weeks in then the site dying from everyone becoming a mod and doing whatever ive only seen a few imageboards he doesnt do it on but he cant keep back from rulecucking so they die off too

Anonymous5/15/2024, 7:14:06 PM#4a4514fc

I took the leek thing neutrally. Spam is free speech, mainly I just mean if someone is trying to overwhelm the node software/hardware or blot out everything with a wall of posts. Reason I don't want to moderate is because I hate what moderation does to communities and it just leads to antifun and the suppression of meme evolution and people not being able to express themselves freely and people getting into cliques and exerting their whims on the userbase and site itself. The way the software is set up, every person (actually every node) is free to moderate for themselves. However on a practical level to keep the gateway open, being on the clearnet as it is, I probably have to delete any cp if its posted. And also on a practical level if spam reaches DDoS levels or makes it very hard to find other content, then also I'd probably delete it for the sake of the network health and general usability, though there should be a Peerbit update coming soon that should help performance.

Anonymous5/15/2024, 7:18:40 PM#5156a246

>>4a4514fc if you say so

Anonymous5/15/2024, 7:19:39 PM#017a60de


>blot out everything with a wall of posts.

wait no i missed that poor george isnt allowed in peerchan almost had me there too

Anonymous5/15/2024, 7:54:11 PM#d6af7a5e

>>017a60de Dunno who george is lol.

Anonymous5/15/2024, 7:58:36 PM#fe54b7a4

In the long term yes, I am thinking spam is another form of expression/communication. There was some discussion about this on /help/. When the software is robust enough to handle it, and has auto filtering mechanisms in place to sift through the spam streams then we can go all sheets to the wind. I think that's how it's going to evolve gradually. For now this is a relatively nascent thing and everything in due course. See /help/thread/33d452c67e010070217006bacfc171b6a191a3adc6f4c37c974b27a8e7e016d0.html

Anonymous5/15/2024, 11:52:47 PM#0095e7fe

>>d6af7a5e george also known as historicalfag posts authentically so fast it bolts out everyone else he gets treated unfairly on another imageboard whos admin had the same take as you on spam years ago now that imageboard has become everything youve said to stand against its just history after all :^)

Anonymous5/16/2024, 12:06:16 AM#75186095

after having read that thread on /help/ i have nothing more to say about the historyproblem since you really did implement a nocem equivalent sanely those who want his posts wont subscribe to not wanting his posts as for cp the international provider protections are in place but that wont stop agencies from fucking with you heavily still overchan.porn will happen again its inevitable feel like im using syndie or fms with a webshit gateway here lol also no you really arent maki -1 thats down to 1 leek not sure how you are ever going handle a vile actor trying to fill up the networks space even with shards its an inevitable issue that will probably require something like oom on random incoming content to combat in extreme cases until theyre found and blocked i think the proof of something going up during abuse would work there but majority of those running gledden probably dont want a miner raping their cpu on and off

Anonymous5/16/2024, 12:10:18 AM#2cbbdea2

maybe something like a web of trust can be established automatically for imminent peers that appear to not be abusive enough i dont think only supporting a manual method is good when you really shouldnt know other peers to use the network

Anonymous5/16/2024, 12:32:39 AM#fb3bf69a

or is it more like a channel lets say a majority of nodes carry /b/ an attacker trying to fill up their disks targets /b/ with fake space filling shards you cant just drop /b/ for obvious reasons but now its scared off alot of those running gledden from carrying /b/ a nondiverse /b/ isnt vary random and having the majority of the network in closed off long named channels might as well be bm instead of a open anonymous forum i havent thought about shit like this in years so i have nothing more to say
