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Anonymous4/5/2024, 3:31:25 AM#377fe937

Guys, I'm new here. How do I run this on Tor?

Anonymous4/5/2024, 6:04:15 AM#58a430a0

Right now what you can do is use a Whonix VM. All of your traffic will be routed through Tor, and from the perspective of other users, be coming from Tor exit nodes. The underlying systems that this uses, libp2p and peerbit, don't support Tor natively yet, but it is possible to do with custom behavior, but hasn't been implemented here yet, so the best option for now is probably Whonix or something similar.

Anonymous4/5/2024, 6:53:35 AM#21c53a5e


>Right now what you can do is use a Whonix VM

Precisely Whonix Gateway. You can connect anything to Gateway: debian, fedora, whatever. Or just connect Whonix Workstation as devs intended.

>or something similar

Tails maybe (haven't tested)

Anonymous4/5/2024, 7:07:05 AM#e9c4882b

I guess VMs\iptables packets routing will be the only option to run gladden under proxy for a long time, as libp2p never mentioned anything proxy-related in docs or github issues. Well you can still access gateways like gladden.peerchan.net from tor. Someone with iptables knowledge could even create exception in Whonix Gateway rules and run Gladden Gateway under tor.

Anonymous4/5/2024, 7:08:18 AM#965a91c8

>exception in Whonix Gateway rules

I mean so the local port of gladden will be accessible from internet.

Anonymous4/5/2024, 7:40:03 AM#189ccb52

>>e9c4882b even if it's not implemented directly in libp2p, it's possible to do via defining a custom transport. right now gladden listens with both tcp and websocket, but this can be customized and made to work through tor in theory. >>965a91c8 the pageserver (port 8000 by default) by default can be set up as a hidden service with tor: http://bxvmrzad6nlz6w5tpw6hb7mpjco7qre5dt2p5zej5xjyggbswpaukuid.onion/landing/index.html or just used locally without opening it up to the wider internet as a gateway:

Anonymous4/5/2024, 7:40:42 AM#b33916fb

>>189ccb52 ignore the second "by default"

Anonymous4/5/2024, 7:47:11 AM#3305fa85

here's something too: https://github.com/dao-xyz/peerbit/issues/282

Anonymous4/5/2024, 11:14:20 AM#1804adae


>the pageserver (port 8000 by default) by default can be set up as a hidden service with tor:

Yes but that wouldnt torify connections to peers from gateway + users can already connect from tor to clearnet gateways so I see no use in that. Unless gateways will be targeted for ddos or abuses, yea

Anonymous4/14/2024, 4:17:54 AM#88721a2d

Don't use Tor. It is illegal.

Anonymous4/14/2024, 6:00:36 AM#2a3a18a8

dont.jpeg, 69.30 kB


>>88721a2d same energy

Anonymous5/9/2024, 10:13:28 AM#16319a35

reposting this to reinsert it into the board specific fb
