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one struggleAnonymous9/16/2024, 8:00:51 PM#30f6291a

>Normies ruin image boards. Once they reach critical mass. Which always happens during summer when it does. It ruins the whole place. The Hacker known as 4chan ruined 4chan. Q tards ruined 8chan. And this is literally the last image board of size left. And when others take off. Glowniggers ruin it.

from a kohlchan bernd

>>Which always happens during summer when it does.

sounds familiar?

Anonymous9/17/2024, 1:15:07 AM#61901f10

y did u blur da gore?

Anonymous9/17/2024, 3:22:28 AM#ca7479a3

this is obviously another peerchanwon situationn.

Anonymous9/17/2024, 11:46:41 PM#3fbb4a53

>>61901f10 OP here im not the one who drew the image but gore is le heckin bad or something...or however the bratty cunny is given correction >>ca7479a3 this, we on here are the soysphere's BVLLS

sage sage sage sage sage sage10/3/2024, 11:12:02 PM#0b4d22f9

>>30f6291a but i hate the kc
