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Anonymous6/11/2024, 7:27:51 AM#fff79e8e

23.jpg, 13.72 kB


when will the site work without gladden though because i dont really know how to install it.. Its like docker, packages are broken this and that..

Anonymous6/12/2024, 1:37:21 AM#badf5bdb


>when will the site work without gladden

never t. admin

Anonymous6/12/2024, 6:07:10 AM#53672d4a

Hopefully should be working again for now. To install you don't need to use docker however, just download the repo locally and run:

>yarn install >yarn start

Anonymous6/14/2024, 3:19:03 AM#38da2d6b

gladden is forever

Anonymous6/26/2024, 2:42:04 PM#ea2a153b

2127.jpg, 11.05 kB


can I use saucepan install and saucepan start instead?

Anonymous6/26/2024, 3:45:15 PM#9a80d49f

>>ea2a153b should work with ```alias saucepan="yarn"```
