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Anonymous5/19/2024, 2:17:36 PM#64a6935e


Anonymous5/19/2024, 2:25:49 PM#97edaf4a

Testing. Using this on whonix workstation. had to set "AllowOutboundLocalhost 2" in torsocks.conf file to be able to connect, which basically allows udp traffic on localhost to bypass tor, so kinda defeats the purpose, i suppose. Also had to allow tor browser to connect to localhost by seting "network.proxy.no_proxies_on" in about:config

Anonymous5/19/2024, 2:27:10 PM#854d8c54

images aren't visible in tor browser (trying to download results in empty file)

Anonymous5/19/2024, 2:32:18 PM#8a10c4c6

Some errors from the terminal: {"level":40,"time":...,"pid":...,"hostname":"host","module":"lazysub","msg":"Recieved message that did not verify PubSubData"}; {"level":40,"time":...,"pid":...,"hostname":"host","module":"lazystream","msg":"Recieved ACK message that did not verify"} A DeliveryError occurred: Failed to get message ... delivery acknowledges from all nodes (0/4). Mode: SeekDelivery. Redundancy: 2

Anonymous5/19/2024, 2:33:27 PM#6433f387

any ideas how to configure whonix workstation/gateway for this would be appreciated.

Anonymous5/19/2024, 2:40:32 PM#b47e837b

trying to post picture

Anonymous5/21/2024, 12:00:38 PM#fe84acdb

>>97edaf4a One user was able to get things to work with Whonix. https://proto.peerchan.net/p2p/thread/54.html It seems like using Tor there may be some occasional? slowness in syncing database updates using clearnet, but not always. There is also a peer discovery process build into libp2p where your node gets acquainted with other nodes and then knows to auto dial them in the future, plus a lot of a data has to load upon initial connection so starting out might be slower than after a while of use. >>8a10c4c6 These errors occasionally happen to me when testing on Windows, but not Linux, but then sometimes they go away after restarting etc,, so it's been tricky to track down a cause for them. >>b47e837b Kitty picture visible to me.

Anonymous5/21/2024, 4:58:54 PM#1a973947

>>fe84acdb reply to me peertardmin or ill give u more aids


ok maybe you dont deserve more aids wtf

Anonymous5/21/2024, 5:11:54 PM#b9e3c8d5

>>1a973947 Reply to you about what the soygem thing?

Anonymous5/21/2024, 5:43:41 PM#719e77df

>>b9e3c8d5 no /p2p/ thought coffeechan could tell apart posters

Anonymous5/22/2024, 9:19:52 AM#b96d5cd7

>>97edaf4a If I understand your setup, the localhost traffic shouldnt be leaving your machine either way so there shouldn't be a deanonymization worry there. The only thing that communicates externally would be the peerbit node on port 8500 by default. So as long as that is routing through tor you should be good. Were you able to get images to load eventually? >>719e77df I havent thought of a response yet either lol.

Anonymous5/22/2024, 8:23:14 PM#b1b52ad2

>>b96d5cd7 ah that makes sense hope you can make a well thought out response to someone who somewhat understands decentralized datastores and federated ones but not the peerbit architecture also tell me if theres any other implementations of peerbit than the typescript one with how much feature parity and operation they have against mainline typescript
